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Achieving Success with God on Your Side

Katherine Hutchinson-Hayes

With this in mind, we constantly pray for you, that our God may make you worthy of his calling, and that by his power he may bring to fruition your every desire for goodness and your every deed prompted by faith (2 Thessalonians 1:11, NIV).

Lately, a situation I’ve been praying about got worse. It’s so bad that even with the great advice I’ve been giving God, I’m not sure how He will fix it.

While this happened, I enjoyed a wonderful surprise visit from out-of-town family members. Two former editing clients hired me to work on their book projects. I also received word that I’d been approved to teach at a writer’s conference I love.

It’s times like this I feel like I’m living in the valley and on the mountaintop simultaneously. Sorrow and joy live in tandem within my heart. Like many, I’m at an intersection of highs and lows.

What happens when we find ourselves at the intersection of failure and success? What do we do when fear and courage collide or sorrow and joy struggle to jockey for position in our lives? Do we still have the choice to choose success?

As someone who believes in the power of faith, I can confidently say that even when battling failure, achieving success with God on our side isn’t just possible—it’s also the most fulfilling way to go about it.

Proverbs 3:5-6 says, Trust in the Lord with all your heart and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways submit to him, and he will make your paths straight (NIV). Success means different things to different people, but regardless of our definition, achieving it is not a one-person show. As Proverbs 3:5-6 tells us, God is a powerful ally, and with His guidance and support, we’re better equipped to overcome obstacles and reach our goals.

One of the first steps to achieving success with God on our side is establishing a solid relationship with Him. This means consistently making time for:
• Prayer
• Meditation
• Reflection
• Being open to God’s guidance
• Being open to God’s direction (even when it doesn’t align with our plans or expectations)

Another vital aspect of achieving success with God on our side is to focus on our purpose and calling. We are all uniquely gifted and called to a specific path in life, and by staying true to that path, we can find greater fulfillment and success than if we were to chase someone else’s dreams or goals.

Achieving success with God on our side isn’t just about achieving our goals and ambitions. It’s about establishing a solid relationship with Him, staying faithful to our purpose and calling, and using our talents and resources to impact the world around us positively.

Despite the disappointments, rejection, and sadness we face, with God's guidance and support, we can achieve fulfilling and long-lasting success.


Prayer: Dear God, help me through the battle I face when dealing with sorrow and joy simultaneously. Show me how to achieve success with You and those you've chosen to walk beside me. Show me how not to depend on the current circumstances to know You're always with me. Amen.

Your Turn: What's your definition of success? Have you ever felt like you were in the valley and on the mountaintop at the same time? If so, how did you handle it? What advice can you offer to someone who is struggling to see beyond their current situation?

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Puanlama ekleyin
12 Eki 2023

love it ...GOD is the light in this dark world

Dr. Katherine
Dr. Katherine
12 Eki 2023
Şu kişiye cevap veriliyor:

Amen! Yes, He is. I appreciate your input. 🥰

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