A gift opens the way and ushers the giver into the presence of the great. Proverbs 18:16 (NIV)
I was taught that you do not go empty-handed to a friend’s home. At least not the first time, anyway. It does not have to be anything big or expensive, just something from the heart that can show them you care and that you are thankful for them welcoming you.
God did the same thing before sending us to earth. He bestowed us with a gift to use. As a kid, one of my favorite songs to sing in the church was "I'm Available to You" by Milton Brunson and The Thompson Community Singers. The song speaks of God's gifts and how we can use them to edify and bless others.
When we use the gifts God has given, they open doors and pathways to better things. The problem lies in not recognizing our gifts. Sometimes the gifts we're given seem impractical. So, we turn away from them for pursuits deemed more worthy of our time.

Another issue I have struggled with is that the road to my destiny makes me doubt my gift. When it seems like I keep failing and can't move forward, I will give up. This happened again to me recently. However, my mother encouraged me to continue. Even if I didn't get everything perfect the way I wanted, I would at least be able to say it was completed, and that would be enough. I am glad she pushed me to keep moving forward with my destiny.
I exceeded my goal and now have new doors opened, and even ones I thought I had closed myself off from were reopened. This season in my life had me asking myself: "where would you be if you'd continued using your other gifts rather than casting them aside as soon as the road got difficult?" My goal now is to stop blocking myself from the destiny God has for me and utilize the gifts he has given me to do his will.

Prayer: Father God, I thank you for the gifts you've given me. Please help me to recognize, use, and never discard the gifts you have provided. May I do everything to give you the honor and glory that is due to you. Amen!
Your turn: What gifts or skills do you have that could be put to better use? Maybe, you’ve excelled at using your gifts. Please share how you did this and how it impacted others.