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Arianna Dunn

God’s Plan

And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love him, who have been called according to his purpose (Romans 8:28 NIV).

It is so easy to avoid the scenic route of life. We often cling to a linear path, not realizing what makes life worthwhile are the detours, the bumps, and the curves along the way. I guess you could call this, "advice I would give my younger self."

If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?

It is a classic question I am sure we have all heard before. I am a recovering should've, could've, would've kind of girl, who occasionally lives in the past and clings to what could have been. I have always had this fixation on "better."

I often feel life could somehow be better if I did this or if I did that. Maybe, I have watched too many movies or have become too accustomed to the depiction of life through the lens of social media. But I certainly feel at times that I am not quite where I need to be. I have found myself disappointed at the younger me for paths I did not take, or moves I did not make. Yet, I am constantly reminded of Romans: 8:28. My Mom is captivated by this scripture and the fact that we serve an intentional God who is the perfect orchestrator of our lives, working behind and ahead of the scene for the good of those who love Him.

Perhaps, the most important word in that scripture is “all.” We typically equate good with positive things and trials and tribulations with bad things, failing to realize our trials are also a part of the equation. In other words, good + bad (with God) = good! In fact, bad + bad (with God) = good!

I’m a person who flips out when life does not go according to my perceived plan. Therefore, this scripture is a game changer for me. As much as I wish I could rewrite the past or even steer the younger me in a different direction, God’s plan still prevailed and continues to prevail. Your life experiences, and even those things you have not experienced, are all a culmination of the current you. The “current you” and your purpose needed the “past you” in order to emerge and to be part of—God’s plan.

Prayer: Lord, thank you for designing all things to work together for my good. I pray you help me to stop living in guilt and condemnation of all I didn't do and all I'm not. Help me to see myself as You see me, as enough. Help me to develop a Godly view of the plan you have for my life with all its imperfections, mistakes, trials, and, good times. Knowing it all adds up to good if I walk with You and put You first. Father, please allow me to rest in your sovereignty and intentionality. Amen.

Your turn! Do you have any advice for those of us who struggle with God's plan for our lives? Do you have a story of your own to share? We'd love to hear from you!

Arianna Dunn's Bio: If you are one of those people who are into Myers- Briggs, I am an INFJ to the core! From college to the year 2017, I immersed myself in the world of education and served as an AmeriCorps Ohio College Guide, ELA teacher, and admission counselor. It was a privilege to serve my community. About a year ago, I made a career shift and decided to embark in the world of human resources. Currently, I am a Corporate HR Recruiter for a well-known retailer.

Previous Comments:

Very inspirational! Great food for thought. -Wilbur Scott October 12, 2020

Awesome post. Romans 8 is one of my favorite chapters and you pull so many key nuggets out that hit home. Thank you for the encouragement -Misha Maynard October 12, 2020

Great job Ariana! -Crystal M Johnson October 11, 2020

This is an awesome and comforting! -Deborah Smith October 11, 2020

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