We’ve spent ten nights living full-time in the RV so far. I’m happy to report that the children play outside more, which was one of our goals.
A bit shocking, though, the idea of scrapping this adventure and buying a house has already been talked about two days in a row.
We bought a fantastic RV. We thought. It passed a long inspection from a 5-star inspector with flying colors. Yet, here we are in this short time with a list of things that have died or aren’t operating correctly, such as the washing machine, microwave, surround sound system, tv, electric furnace, and the rear RV backup camera (which went out during travel). Making those issues more frustrating, the truck toolbox was jammed shut, with all our tools locked inside. Add a trip to the ER (for my husband’s broken fingers when trying to pry the toolbox open), a glowing service engine light, and sick children, and that summarizes the first ten days in the RV.
Scrapping the adventure in favor of comfort and the perception of greater security might be understandable. No one wants to feel like their life and story are falling apart.

But our primary purpose for moving into an RV was to connect with the children and give them the best of us for a year. It’s something I can’t walk away from. Not now. Not when giving them our best is the endgame. Yet, since we’ve been bombarded with roadblocks, I keep asking myself, who defines the best of us? I’ve concluded that maybe the best of us could be our children’s observation of how we handle trials and learn to lean on God when the world doesn’t make sense.
I find courage in the words given to Asa, king of Israel, after he prayed to God, confessing his powerlessness against the mighty Cushite army and asking the Lord for help. The Lord struck down the Cushites and sent Azariah to prophesy to Asa: “’ The Lord is with you when you are with him… But as for you, be strong and do not give up, for your work will be rewarded”’ (2 Chronicles 15:7, NIV).
In times like these that we’ve experienced in the RV, I’m grateful for the story of the father of the demon-possessed son in the book of Mark. When Jesus pointed out that the healing of his son was possible for anyone who believes, the father cried out, “I believe, help my unbelief!” (Mark 9:24, NIV).
This is a prayer I have often said, and I’ve learned to say it unashamedly. God knows my weaknesses. He isn’t put off when I bring them to Him, and I trust God to give strength, resilience, and help for my unbelief. I find courage in God's Word, worship, and prayer. I’m honored to be able to teach this valuable lesson to our young children, regardless of the challenges.

Dear God, help me to deal with the storms and challenges in life. Please show me how to be resilient, strong, and faithful. Thank you for the blessings you've given me and how you provide for me. Amen.
How about you? What difficulties are you facing today? Where do you need to be strong? God will reward your work, so take courage from Asa, be strong, and do not give up! The reward is on the other side.