In the course of time, David inquired of the Lord. “Shall I go up to one of the towns of Judah?” he asked. The Lord said, “Go up.” David asked, “Where shall I go?” To Hebron,” the Lord answered (2nd Samuel 2:1 NIV).
What’s next? Where am I headed? Is he the one? What is my purpose? Should I stay at this job? What else is out there for me? How do I walk in confidence?
These are questions I ask myself almost every single day. It is the what, where, why, and how that keeps me up at night. I am already a deep thinker, so adding that extra dose of uncertainty on top of my daily thoughts can be a bit overwhelming at times.
My uncertainty clearly shows a lack of knowing exactly where to aim. In other words, I struggle with direction.
Last year, I made it a point to involve myself in various activities. I joined a choir, a young adult’s group, and a mentoring program. I even joined the world of online dating world through Tinder. Ha! I figured if I focused my aim on my individual interests, then my sense of direction would become clear.
I am currently reading out of the book of 2nd Samuel. I am learning all about King David, the anointing he had over his life, his humility, and his faith in God. What strikes me the most in reading about David is his sense of direction. He not only had direction, but he was divinely directed.
He would consistently inquire of the Lord regarding his next steps. Guess what?
God answered.
He told him precisely what to do. Once I read 2nd Samuel 2:1, I immediately thought to myself, I need to be like David.
David had the ability to not only ask God questions, but to actually receive answers.
He was anointed as king, but his love for God, humility, obedience, faith, and courage played a major role in the direction he had over his life.
“To the faithful you show yourself faithful, to the blameless you show yourself blameless.” (2nd Samuel 22:7, NIV)
The scripture above teaches me God directs the paths of the righteous and those who earnestly seek him. He directs the paths of those who love him and obey his commands.
Clarity, here I come.
Lord, thank you for the peace and clarity only you can provide. Thank you for providing me with the framework for righteous living. Thank you for accompanying me each step of the way. I pray you give me the will to continue to live a life pleasing to you. I pray you continue to reveal your purpose for my life so I can boldly walk in confidence and in turn—bless those around me.
Your turn: Do you struggle with what your purpose is? Has God ever revealed your purpose?