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Andy Hollifield



“He restoreth my soul: he leadeth me in the paths of righteousness for his name’s sake.”–Psalm 23:3, KJV
“Restore” means to go back to a previous place, position, rank, or similar status that was held in the past.


Luke 15, also known as the parable of the prodigal son, is one of the most powerful stories of restoration in the Bible. While many figures, such as Peter, were also restored, this parable stands out as a testament to the grace and love of our Heavenly Father.


Restoration is often associated with several things:


1.   To be restored, we must have experienced some kind of loss.

2.   We must be willing to humble ourselves and acknowledge that we have indeed suffered a loss.

3.   We cannot restore ourselves; we must rely on someone else to help us through the process.

4.   We need to take responsibility for the loss we have suffered. It is one thing to admit it, but accepting responsibility is another thing altogether.

5.   Restoration always requires a change in our lives, which comes through repentance.


Sometimes it can be challenging to acknowledge we need restoration. When someone restores an object like a car or a piece of furniture, they usually strip it down to its barest elements, such as metal, wood, or frame. This involves removing anything that doesn’t relate to the original condition of the piece, such as rust, faded paint, or upholstery for cars, and sanding and removing all underlying coats or finishes for furniture or wood. Only after getting it down to its barest point can restoration work begin.


As Christians, it’s challenging for us to reveal our true selves to others. We tend to hide our imperfections, such as our bad temper and lack of patience or compassion, hoping that no one will notice them. However, we must remember that God already knows who we truly are, including our flaws.


While pondering on the topic of restoration, I was reminded of several stories in the Bible:

·      The story of Adam and Eve. In the Bible, it’s written that the first thing Adam did when he heard the Lord coming was to hide. And when questioned about eating the forbidden fruit, he blamed Eve, who in turn accused the serpent. Unfortunately, Adam and Eve were never able to fully restore their previous close relationship with the Lord.

·      The prodigal son of Luke 15 had to get to the point where he realized how much loss he had suffered. He had to hit bottom before he had a desire for restoration. He only asked to be hired as a servant, not expecting to be restored to his position as a son. 

·      When David was confronted by Nathan, the prophet, concerning his sin with Bathsheba, although he repented, he knew there would be a price to pay. It cost him the life of his son because he had taken a loss and refused restoration. 


What about us? Have we hit bottom yet and want to return to where we once were with the Lord? Let’s focus for just a minute on the word “restore.” We looked at the definition already, but I want to mention a few things. Aren’t you glad the Lord is like the Father in Luke 15 and is willing to restore us if we repent? Not only was he restored, but he was also treated better and celebrated more than he deserved. I’m glad that our restoration doesn't depend on our worthiness. 


Peter received restoration after the crucifixion. Jesus told him that when he told Mary to inform his disciples “and Peter,” he would meet them in Galilee. Afterward, Peter brought the gospel to the Gentiles, and the church's birth was under his preaching on the day of Pentecost.


Most of the time, it isn’t some “big” sin that causes us to lose ground in our Christian walk, but little neglected things that we ignore. If we don't repent, God can never restore us. David even asked the Lord to restore the joy of his salvation. 


Have you ever experienced a moment when you knew you were God’s child, but you couldn't seem to enjoy the worship of the Lord? It is in those times that you need restoration. I noticed something interesting about the word “restored”––it is used 27 times in the Bible, but only five times in the New Testament. The number five represents grace in the Bible. That’s fascinating because the day of grace never occurred until Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection. If we examine those five verses, we’ll notice the last one talks about being restored sooner, while the other four talk about being entirely restored by Jesus.”


In one case, Mark 8:25 says the blind man was restored and “saw every man clearly.” The other three all use the phrase “whole as the other.” If God restores us, he’ll put us where he wants us and use us how he sees fit. It doesn't matter where we’ve been or what we’ve done; if we belong to the Lord, he will restore us. If we don't belong to him, he’ll save us. Just like the prodigal son in Luke 15, we’ll have all our needs met by the Father, and he’ll restore the joy we've lost. Why stay miserable when you have a God that will restore us? 


If he restored Peter after all he’d done, he’ll restore us, too. 



Prayer: Dear Lord, Please restore me. I need your help to guide me through this process. Thank you for your grace and love. Please strip me of all the layers that hide my imperfections and bring me down to the barest point so that I may be restored. May I be restored to the position you have planned for me and walk in your paths of righteousness for your name’s sake. In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Your turn: In what ways do you need to be restored? What steps can you take today to be restored?


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