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Vonyee K. Carrington

Smile Like You’re Meeting Jesus

She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me! Martha, Martha, the Lord answered, you are worried and upset about many things, but few things are needed—or indeed only one. Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her. — Luke 10:39-42

Divine Intervention on a Rainy Journey

We saw that the first group had reached the turnaround point and was returning, so we knew we were near the halfway point. The rain returned, but this time, it rained harder. It was more than a light mist—it was more persistent. I prayed aloud. “Lord, please let the rain slow down,” God answered again. Jennifer and I continued walking and talking. We finally reached the halfway point.

Divine Intervention on a Rainy Journey

My gift of encouragement sprang up. I started encouraging those who had yet to reach the turnaround.

“Smile like you're meeting Jesus at the turnaround!” I shouted.

The reactions varied. Some smiled and walked a little quicker. Others smiled but questioned. I overheard one comment. “I'm not ready to meet Jesus.” The response caught me off guard. I pondered their words. I wondered if I had misspoken. Maybe people should only meet Jesus in death?

A few days later, I was reading the Bible and came across the story of Mary sitting at the feet of Jesus while her sister, Martha, was serving and tending to the needs of their guests. Martha complained about the lack of help. Jesus chided Martha for not recognizing the most important of His visit (Luke 10:39-42). I studied Martha a little further.
In the book of John, chapter 11, Martha and Mary’s brother Lazarus had already died. Martha is the one who seeks Jesus while Mary stays at home.

The Dynamics of Grief: Contrasting Responses of Mary and Martha

Commentators have delved into the emotional state of Mary, proposing that her overwhelming grief may have rendered her immobile, unable to act in her sorrow. On the contrary, Martha's response to the situation showcases a different approach. After a moment of reprimand, she recognized Jesus as the ultimate solution to their distress. This realization prompted her to take immediate action, demonstrating her unwavering faith and determination. As Jesus made his way to Bethany, Martha's proactive attitude led her to run toward him, eager to seek solace and guidance. This contrasting behavior between the two sisters highlights the complexity of human emotions and responses in times of crisis, illustrating the profound impact of faith and belief in navigating challenges.

Embracing Trials: Lessons from Martha's Turnaround Encounter with Jesus

Martha ran to meet Jesus at her turnaround. The lessons I learned from her when faced with trials are the following;

  • Run to Jesus, he makes everything right.

  • Rejoice in every trial.

  • Trust Jesus despite the challenges.

  • Smile because Jesus can raise dead things to life.

The Power of Unwavering Faith: Martha's Inspiring Story

Martha, a woman of unwavering faith, found herself facing a challenging situation that seemed insurmountable. Despite the odds stacked against her, she held onto the belief that Jesus had the power to bring about a transformative change in her circumstances. This profound conviction in the ability of Jesus to intervene and make a difference served as a guiding light for Martha, inspiring her to remain steadfast in her trust and hope. In a world filled with uncertainties and obstacles, Martha's unwavering faith in Jesus serves as a poignant reminder for all of us to hold onto our beliefs and convictions, knowing that there is always a glimmer of hope and the possibility of change, no matter how dire the situation may seem. Let Martha's story be a beacon of encouragement for us all, urging us to embrace faith, hope, and the belief that positive change is always within reach when we place our trust in the power of faith and divine intervention.

Meeting Jesus: Finding Hope and Strength in Times of Persecution

When you think about meeting Jesus, do you smile? In times of persecution, it's natural to feel overwhelmed and lost, unsure of which direction to take. Like Mary, we may find ourselves at a crossroads, uncertain of how to proceed. However, during these challenging moments, we have a choice to either stand still in fear or run towards Jesus courageously, seeking solace and guidance in His presence. Meeting Jesus at the turnaround signifies a willingness to trust His plan and find comfort in His love. Meeting Jesus should fill our hearts with hope and joy, knowing that we can find peace and strength in His presence to overcome adversity. So, let's not be discouraged by persecution, but instead, let's turn to Jesus with a smile, confident in His promise of redemption and grace.

Prayer: In moments of adversity and persecution, I turn to you, Jesus, seeking your guidance and strength. Please grant me the courage to face challenges with a steadfast spirit, knowing that you are by my side. May your Holy Spirit fill me with peace and joy, enabling me to find solace in your presence. I pray that your divine intervention brings clarity to my path and empowers me to overcome any obstacles that come my way. With a grateful heart, I lift my prayers to you, trusting in your unfailing love and mercy. Amen.

Your Turn: Are you facing persecution? Have you reacted like Mary and reached a complete standstill, not knowing where to turn? Or have you chosen to run toward Jesus and meet Him at the turnaround?

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