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Stop and Consider

Evelyn Collins

Devotional Author/Blogger: Evelyn Collins

“Woe to the obstinate children,” declares the Lord, “to those who carry out plans that are not mine, forming an alliance, but not by my Spirit, heaping sin upon sin” (Isaiah 30:1 NIV).

I hadn’t considered that when I’m not yielding to God, I’m being obstinate, which implies that I’m adamant about doing things my way. I envision a disobedient child that needs correction, but I’m an adult. Adults can make their own decisions if their behavior doesn’t resist God. When our children are stubborn and obstinate, it doesn’t please us. Christians should seek to please God by obeying His commands.

Occasionally, I’m spontaneous and act impulsively, rushing through the day without waiting to hear God’s voice. I don’t stop to consider that I’m strong-willed. I make plans without surrendering to Christ. My behavior does not differ from a strong-willed child, but God desires us to seek Him first, listen for His voice, then step out in faith. We sin without realizing it. Sin is moving forward before seeking Him or failing to listen to the Holy Spirit. When we put our trust elsewhere rather than depending upon the Lord, it’s a sin.

Whether you turn to the right or the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you, saying, “This is the way; walk in it” (Isaiah 30:21 NIV).

We are attentive to God’s voice when we ask Him to keep us on the right path and intentionally do things God wants. He has a plan for us. Those plans remain, but we get off course, and He directs us back.

“But the plans of the Lord stand firm forever, the purposes of his heart through all generations” (Psalm 33:11 NIV).

Walking in the direction God leads is comforting because He’s our shepherd. On dark days, we follow Him through the darkness without stumbling because He lights the way. On those days that feel weak, we rely upon His wisdom and strength to move forward, enduring hardships, to gain the prize promised to us.

Knowing God strengthens and directs our steps builds confidence to rest in Him. We are courageous because God’s Spirit lives within us. God charts the way as we depend upon His wisdom and divine power to guide us along the right path.


Prayer: God, thank you for directing my path on the days when I’m alone or weak. Your assurance gives me the courage to persevere through tough times.

Your Turn: What can you implement to remain on God’s path for you?


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