The beginning of a new year never fails to spark creativity and a surge of ideas within people from around the world.
"I can do all this through Him who gives me strength" (Philippians 4:13 NIV).
It is at this time when vision boards are created, full of images and words we resonate with. Vision boards also include what we are hoping for based on knowing we can do all things through Christ (Phil. 4:13).
The inspiration behind many vision boards are our own desires in picture form. As believers, however, our visions must originate from God.
Pastor Michael Todd of Transformation Church wrote a book titled, Crazy Faith. In the book, he discusses how God gave him the idea to write down on a piece of paper that he would one day own a 54 million dollar arena located within the PostRock Plaza in Tulsa, Oklahoma. He then told his congregation about the vision to own the arena. Now, Transformation Church owns the arena.
I have always wondered how people of faith can dream big and can believe in the seemingly impossible to happen.
How did Moses part the Red Sea?
How did Noah build the ark?
How did David defeat Goliath?
Why did Pastor Michael Todd believe that his church would own a 54 million dollar arena?
God-given ideas.
People of great faith have God-given ideas. These ideas spark imagination which leads to vision.
The visions God gives us are not of our own. It's God’s idea. Meant to fulfill God’s vision and purpose for others, not just ourselves.
It is no wonder why people of faith dream big.
God’s thoughts are higher than our thoughts. His ways are higher than our ways.
Our God is big, and his thoughts are exceedingly above ours.
He knows everything.
He is a light unto our path.
Write the vision and make it plain. Just make sure it is God’s vision (Hab. 2:2).
Dear God, please give me the right ideas and visions. Please help me to pursue Your ideas and show me how. Give me the faith I need and please help me to do what seems impossible in my life. Enable me to be blessed to be a blessing to others. Amen.
Your Turn: Is there something you believe God for that you'd like to share? Remember, writing our visions is an important step in seeing it happen. Do you have a word of advice or encouragement for our community?
It's funny! I can dream big for others but find it hard to dream big for myself. Now I must ask myself why. Yes, part of me is scared but just maybe the dreams that I have are not big enough or God enough. Thank you for giving me something to ponder.