“A man that hath friends must shew himself friendly . . .” (Proverbs 18:24 KJV)
My mother often quoted Proverbs 18:24 to me growing up. I think that she secretly feared that I would not have any friends. I did not have a gaggle of friends hanging out at the house after school, nor did I spend hours chatting on the phone. When I went off to college and then graduate school, I developed life-long friendships.
I learned 9 lessons from the blessing of these friendships:
Because of the blessing of friendship, I learned that we each are destined to walk a different path. I am not in competition with my friends. Be a cheerleader!
Because of the blessing of friendship, God makes provision for your children. God will send others to come alongside you to help raise/provide for your children. Be a helper!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I participated in the lives of multiple children. Now, I have 8, plus one beautiful, intelligent, compassionate, and funny, *heart children. Be an auntie or uncle!
Because of the blessing of friendship, your co-workers can become friends who introduce you to new hobbies. Be adventurous!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I have friends who are more like family. Be vulnerable!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I learned that I am valuable. I am worthy. YOU are worthy!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I discovered my strengths. Be willing to fail!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I have sisters and brothers in Christ who provide wisdom for life decisions. Listen!
Because of the blessing of friendship, I have people to share my journey. Enjoy your journey!
(*Heart children= children you emotionally adopt)
Lord Jesus, bless the person reading this article and give them the courage to be vulnerable. Let them feel Your Presence as they connect with others and make the right relationships that bring You glory. Amen!
Your turn: Do you have any lessons regarding your friendships? Please share. I’d love to hear from you!