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The Ultimate Celebration

Evelyn Collins

“People will come from east and west and north and south, and will take their places at the feast in the kingdom of God” (Luke 13:29-30 NIV)

As we approach the celebration of Mother’s Day, I often reminisce about the many excellent meals I’ve enjoyed with my family. There’s something sacred about the memories created over good food with those we love.

As a parent and grandmother, I am blessed to watch my children and grandchildren enjoy this marvelous earth. Once, they arranged a remarkable dining experience in their front yard. The hilltop dining experience was a vegan farm-to-table buffet overlooking nature’s beautiful display of vibrant foliage. The rock wall buffet comprised a bountiful array of leaves, greenery, colorful petals, unique salads, and flower pasta. Salad toppings were sprouts, buds, and nuts.
I watched the chefs as they picked the fruits and nuts and then prepared an assortment of colorful and appealing vegan meals containing Camelia buds and colorful petals. My two youngest grandsons artistically created imaginative dishes. My dining experience brought immeasurable joy to my heart because creativity originates from God and is a gift from Him.

Experiences like these leave me with a spirit of thankfulness for the uniqueness and magnificence of all creation. Sometimes I ask myself if imagining the splendor of the Lord’s banquet table is possible. Often I try to envision the beauty and bounty of the surrounding area and the array of delectable food. I am confident that it will be beyond my comprehension. Indescribable. Yet, none of the setting’s magnificence can compare to the center of our attention, which will be our heavenly Father, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit.

“Then the angel said to me, “Write this: Blessed are those who are invited to the wedding supper of the Lamb!” And he added, “These are the true words of God” (Revelation 19:9 NIV). The scriptures tell us that the only way to heaven is through accepting Jesus Christ’s gift of forgiveness. Jesus promises believers will one day reign with Him and sit at His banquet table in paradise.

As we enjoy the celebration of mothers and maternal figures in our lives, let’s not forget that the ultimate celebration awaits us–the banquet in heaven.


Lord, thank you for mothers and maternal figures. Thank you for the times of celebration and for making memories around meals. You blessed us with family and life in this beautiful world for pleasure. Father, you constantly reveal Your divine creativity in nature. Everywhere I look, I behold splendor. It is impossible to conceive the glorious feast you will prepare in heaven. Thank you for going there to prepare a place for me. Amen.

Your turn:
How do you plan to honor the maternal figures in your life beyond Mother’s Day? What do you imagine the banquet table in heaven will be like?


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