“Bring me your jammies.”
“Give that back to your brother. You took it without asking.”
The little two-year-old that lives with us, born of my womb, has recently begun repeating a phrase her grandmother used to use when teasing her. As irony would have it, my little one now uses it all day. She isn’t aware of how funny it is because that would take away my corrective authority in the moment, but I do call my mom almost daily to tell her what “grandma’s girl” said to me today.

Luxie’s practice of repeating is normal for her age. She is learning the language of those around her.
We do a lot of learning in our home and vehicle. We sing songs about history, practice our weekly geography with dry-erase markers on maps and through games at the breakfast table, cuddle up on the couch to read books, and practice applying math in various ways.
Decidedly, the most important thing our children hear and learn daily is the Word of God. My husband usually leads their lesson once all four are sitting on the couch “crisscross applesauce,” but we also do our learning at other times around a mixing bowl or at a stoplight. A few days ago, we learned Colossians 4:6 while making play dough. An hour later, I made up a song to it. Now, the song rings in our ears, and we sing it repeatedly while doing our daily chores.
“Let your speech always be gracious, let your speech always be gracious, seasoned with salt, seasoned with salt, so that you may know how to answer each one.”

Of course, putting verse to song is something I do for the children, but I became convicted that I am getting the most from it in the here and now. There is much drudgery in service on the days my heart and mind are not fixated on God and His glory. On the contrary, I have observed the joy that follows for me and the whole home when I open my voice to sing from the Word while I spot-treat clothes, wash the dishes, break down cardboard boxes, and brush teeth.
Psalm 107 tells us the Israelites’ affliction resulted from their foolishness and sin. In their trouble, they cried out to the Lord, and verse 20 says, “He sent His word and healed them, and saved them from their destruction” (NASB 2020).
While my complaining and comparing during long days of service may not seem like it would bring about future destruction, that isn’t what Scripture reveals.
Scripture reveals that patterns of sin produce destruction and death, and the Word is the only remedy.

Prayer: Father, Your Word is active and able to heal and give life, to grant wisdom and a peace that surpasses understanding. In the day-to-day of my life, the brokenness of my sinful nature is on full display, always ready to complain or compare. I don’t want to reinforce that norm. I choose Your glory and Your story above my feelings and circumstances. I thank You for Your Word and Spirit bringing the Word home. Amen.
Your Turn: Without a governor for our emotions, we will be driven by circumstances and feelings. The Word is that governor for us, putting everything in the context of God’s character and glory. Singing and saying the Word throughout the day helps us to keep our minds trained on Him and increases our likelihood of responding to the Spirit’s first prompts. How are you keeping the Word alive in your mind throughout the day? If this is an area in which you excel, how can you help others? If this is an area you need to grow, what small step can you take to make today better than yesterday?