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This Little Child...

Sharique Ellison

“Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me” (Matthew 18:4-5 NKJV).

One Monday a few years ago, I walked to my World History I Class feeling angst that drowned out the beautiful day around me. Clenching my notes in one hand with my dorm keys in the other, I contemplated if I was ready to take an upcoming exam. The class had precisely three exams and I didn’t have room to perform poorly. I began praying as I walked to class, but my heart raced the closer I got. Once I sat down, I became so nervous I started to shake. When finished, I took a huge deep breath. I began to question if Christ was still with me at that moment. My final grade depended on that last exam, and I felt powerless. My faith in my grade started to fade, but there was nothing more I could do.

I decided to return to my dorm room and on the way, I began to pray. Still feeling hopeless, I trudged along the boardwalk leading to my dorm. Just then, I noticed several sets of tiny feet walking toward me. Soon I realized these feet belonged to a group of wet, giggling, swim-suit-wearing children. Some of the children walked in a single file line, but others made silly faces and soared around with confidence.

Later, I learned our campus’ pool was used for a children’s summer camp. The children I’d observed were walking back to their bus after enjoying a swim. But in that moment, while watching the children, my face lit up with joy. I immediately became reminded of Matthew 18:4-5 “Therefore whoever humbles himself as this little child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven. Whoever receives one little child like this in My name receives Me.”

The bible tells us repeatedly how much Jesus loves his children and how much he loves childlike humility. Adopting the character of a child means to be dependent on God, humble, obedient, and full of faith. To be a child and have child-like faith leaves no room to tremble in worry but to be dependent on our heavenly father. I recall watching those children, and feeling God tugging on my heart, letting me know I didn’t need to worry. Two weeks after I took that exam, I received a B for my final grade, and I received the credit I needed to pass the class.

Dear God, help me to depend on you the minute I feel anxious. Help me to pray with thanksgiving and the expectation that you hear me. Help me to cast off a spirit of fear and embrace the faith I need for each step of my journey. Amen

Your turn: Have you ever struggled with fear? What did you fear and why? How did God turn this around for you?

Bio: Sharique Ellison is a Christian podcast creator for Holy Spirit Radiance. She is interested in expanding and advancing the kingdom of God through the creation of Christian content. Sharique has two bachelor degrees: one in psychology and another in sociology, with a nursing degree on the way. She has a passion for Jesus Christ and loves to serve people through His love.

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