“God saw all that he had made, and it was very good" (Genesis 1:31 NIV).
One of the most significant issues we face in our world today is a skewed perception of our identity. Our inner critics are loud, and so are the enemy’s lies.
Society is, undoubtedly, filled with messages about who we are and who we should be, coupled with our negative self-talk. Somewhere along the way, we forget that God made us very good.
The book of Genesis gives us perfect insight into the beautiful people and things God saw fit to create.
Everything that God created, he looked at and saw as good. Whether it was the creatures of the land, the stars in the sky, or the waters across the earth, God loved it all and still do

Since God is perfect, everything he makes is intentional. There are no mistakes.
God is an intentional God whose creations were and still are purposefully and meticulously designed.
My least favorite quality as a kid and a teenager was my reserved personality. I had this desire to be popular, but could never quite fit in.
I am a true introvert who values my alone time and moments of deep reflection. I am quiet by nature, and I’ve had moments of wishing I were the opposite. How many of us do the same thing? We focus on what we lack instead of what qualities or blessings we have.
My mom has always told me who God designed me to be and that what he has called me to do requires excellent focus. As a child, little did I know that one of the greatest outlets I would use to spread the truth about God was through my writing.

My best writing, and even spoken words of encouragement, is birthed from intentional alone time with God, deep reflection, and moments of solitude.
This means that the part I once despised so much is the very part of me that God uses the most. This applies to many of us who tend to self-loath. The area of our lives, we reject could be the area God wants to use to be glorified.
My quiet, observant, and reserved nature is intentional and places me in the proper headspace to convey God’s word creatively.
There is confidence in knowing that God made me very good. This same concept applies to each of us. This isn't a free pass to act sinfully when we know better or to take advantage of God's grace. Neither is it an excuse to neglect areas in our lives that God calls us to correct. However, there is confidence in knowing that despite our shortcomings, flaws, past mistakes, and current challenges, God created us to be—very good.

Prayer: Thank you, God, for designing me with a purpose. There are moments when I forget just how intentional you are, but I thank you for never failing to remind me that you never make mistakes. I pray that you continue giving me the mindset to believe I was made very good. Amen.
Your turn: What is one unique quality that you have that God uses for his glory?